The Gift

Tomorrow is Christmas.

6 months of grinding for this.

I could not ask to be healthier. I’m a little over my race weight, but that’s how it goes with taper time.

Otherwise, I’m at my peak.

I’ve got a battle plan.

Miles 1-12 will be setting the table. Calculated, deliberate, and well paced.

I will own miles 13-20. I intend to dominate that stretch.

Miles 20-26 are always the test, aren’t they?

As for that last .2? I’ll take my finishing kick against ANYONE else in the field, even the elites. When I see that finish line, I fly. I’m coming for it.

Why do this? It’s simple really. Not everyone can. It’s a testament to my training and my support network. Thank you all of you for both pushing me and propping me up.

To run 26 miles is punishment to some. to be ABLE to do it, to me? That’s the gift.

As the great Prefontaine said, to give anything less than your best is to squander the gift.

Tomorrow, I get the gift of the ultimate challenge from the ultimate course, and unto it i bestow the ultimate gift: an honest effort.

See you out there.